The organizing committee of the 27th International Conference on Information Fusion is inviting the submission of proposals for tutorials to be presented on July 8, 2024. The main purpose of the tutorial program is to provide overviews of the state of the art in the particular subfields of information fusion. This program should be useful to newcomers to the information fusion community to learn about the research achievements of the particular areas, as well as to currently active information fusion researchers who may be interested in widening their areas of research interest.
Download (in pdf format): Call for Tutorials
Tutorial Proposal Requirements
Proposals for tutorials may cover the areas listed in the general Call for Papers (theory and representation, algorithms, modeling simulation and evaluation and applications), as well as other areas where information fusion can or should be applicable. Examples include but are not limited to fusion of human-produced and unstructured information, big data analytics, information fusion in cloud computing, information fusion applied to cybersecurity, as well as artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions to those.
Proposals should be submitted as pdf files to in a form that can be posted at after acceptance. A proposal needs to contain:
Length of the tutorial:
Half-day or full-day;
The intended audience
and prerequisites for the attendees’ background knowledge;
A description of the tutorial
including the learning objectives and a short summary of the material to be presented; and
Biographical sketch(es) of the instructor(s)
including previous lecture and tutorial experience.
For further information, please contact Jesus Garcia Herrero and Paulo Costa via
The honorarium for tutorial speakers is made up of a basic amount plus a variable bonus. However, we will not offer any printing services and are not responsible for study materials distributed to the attendees. The bonus is directly taken from the tutorial fees and thus proportional to the number of attendees.
Important Dates
2024Proposal submission deadline
2024Notification of acceptance
Contact and Submission
Proposals should be submitted as pdf files via email to